Skullgirls gets Valentine cross update

So Skullgirls has been no stranger to updates which change the content of the game. But fans may be a smidge more forgiving with this particular update. In addition to all the usual standard fair that is patch notes this update also changes Valentine’s red crosses to pink shuriken.

This update was first observed in the Valentine Nendroid that came out a while back and has been planed for a while, largely because the use of the red crosses in media for anything explicitly not healing related is technically a war crime.

On the steam page, the devs have stated

Why did she get these changes? You can read the full explanation here, but the short version is Valentine’s original red crosses presented a potential legal issue, and were very hastily changed to fuchsia a few years ago. Skullgirls is bigger than ever, and now that the characters in the Season 1 Pass are complete we can finally spend the time to update her design with proper care.

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